Based on the ranking made at the end of the academic year related to the last enrollment, according to the criteria set out in the following paragraph, scholarships are provided for reimbursement of an amount equal to the registration fee and subject to taxation, at the expense of the beneficiary, according to current legislation. These scholarships are awarded to 10% of enrolled students who have submitted a specific application at the time of enrollment and have an ISEE 2019 value for facilitated benefits for the right to university study up to € 13,000.00, limit established in Paragraph 12.1.1 of the 2018/2019 Manifesto for the enrollment in three-year degree courses, single-cycle master's degree, master's degree and non-medical specialization schools (available on following the path Students = > Manifesto of Studies). To this end, students must have signed the Single Substitute Declaration at a CAF / I.N.P.S. for obtaining the Equalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE of 2019 - 2017 income, 2018 assets) valid for facilitated benefits for the right to university study. Different types of ISEE will not be considered valid. The ranking list is published on the website at, following the path Teaching => Master 2018/2019 => Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Art and Entertainment in the spaces dedicated to the Master in accordance with this decree. Where the number of entitled persons is higher than the number of scholarships available, reference is made to the vote presented by each one in the final Master's exam; in case of further parity, the minor seniority