- Those admitted to the Master must apply for enrollment only and exclusively on-line, using the procedure at available until the service is deactivated, uploading both their own passport size photo and their own document valid identity. The service will be active until 13.00 (Italian time) on 29 January 2019. Beyond this deadline, the connection is deactivated and it is no longer possible to complete the application and therefore register for the Master. Applications for registration received with methods and times other than those listed in paragraph 1 above are not accepted.
- At the end of the registration process, a payment slip is generated for an amount corresponding to the first installment relating to the registration fee for the Master and the stamp duty payable by the deadline for submission of the application. Once this deadline has expired, those who did not comply with the above are considered to have renounced them.
- When completing the application form, the candidate can apply for a scholarship to totally refund the registration fee awarded at the end of the course according to the indications in art. 9, paragraphs 7-10. The actual perception is then conditioned to the issuance of a declaration, ex artt. 46-47 of the D.P.R. n. 445/2000, in which the beneficiary certifies that he / she had not been a research grant during the Masters course and that he / she did not receive any other scholarship, for any reason given, for the frequency of the aforementioned.
- Citizens of the European Union or equivalent and non-European Union resident abroad who are admitted and who, at the time of submission of the application for admission, have produced a copy of the qualification obtained abroad according to the procedures the previous article 8.3 must present the original of the diploma completed by the Italian diplomatic or consular authority competent for the territory (translated, authenticated, legalized and provided with the expected declarations of value). This documentation, under penalty of failure to complete the registration, must be sent within the deadline referred to in paragraph 1 above, via traceable postal delivery (national / international postal service or private courier service) to “Sportello Unico Capponi” - Segreteria Post-Laurea, Via Gino Capponi, 9 – 50121 Firenze.
Non-European Union citizens residing abroad must check how the teaching activities are carried out for the purpose of applying for a residence permit. Having verified the need for this document, a copy of the receipt of the residence permit issued by Poste Italiane - accompanied by a copy of the passport with the specific entry visa for non-tourist reasons - or a copy of the valid residence permit must be be sent by means of a traceable postal delivery (national / international postal service or private courier service) to a “Sportello Unico Capponi” - Segreteria Post-Laurea, Via Gino Capponi, 9 – 50121 Firenze.
Pursuant to art. 142 of the T.U. n. 1592/1933 it is forbidden to enroll at the same time as several university study courses: therefore, the participants in the Master in accordance with this decree can not be enrolled in another Master's Degree, Postgraduate School, PhD, Degree or Specialistic or Master's Degree.
The amount of the registration fee for the course is € 3,500, including the premium relating to the accident insurance policy stipulated by the University. The above registration fee must be paid in two equal installments: the first installment within the registration deadline (as per previous article 8.6.); the second installment by May 30, 2019. The missed or late payment of the first installment, increased by the amount of € 16.00 corresponding to the stamp duty due on enrollment, represents the reason for exclusion from the Course. The payment of the installments subsequent to the first, made after the expiry date, is subject to the payment of the fine due to the Manifesto degli Studi A.A. 2018/2019. Failure to pay the full amount of the enrollment fee and / or default accrued does not allow the student to be admitted to take the intermediate checks, the final exam and to carry out the internship.
The eventual renunciation of the registration does not give title to the reimbursement of the amount paid.
Students with disabilities are exempted from paying the registration fee, with recognition of disability according to article 3, paragraph 1, of the Law of 5 February 1992, n. 104, or with an invalidity equal to or greater than 66%. The request for exemption, accompanied by the relative documentation, must be made on the application form within the deadline. Stamp duty is still payable. Members with exemption do not contribute to reaching the minimum number required for the activation of the Master.
last update: 30-Oct-2018